
Practice summary
You can browse the practice summary forward by pressing UP and backward by
pressing DOWN. The following information is included:
Session details: details of the practice session, including the duration and number
of strokes.
Variation: shows how much variation there is for a certain parameter. A lower per-
centage means that your swing technique is consistent in that area.
Average: shows the total averages of every parameter.
Deviation for tempo, rhythm, back swing and length: shows the average, maxi-
mum and minimum values and the highest and lowest deviation from your average
Swing information for individual swings.
Based on the summary information, you can see which areas of your swing needs
improvement. For example, if the variation percentage for tempo is significantly
higher than for the other parameters, that is the area where you should focus your
TIP: You can change the GOOD/BAD marking for an individual shot at this
point. The swing information is re-analyzed immediately after the change.
The practice session information is stored in the Suunto G6. You can later view the
practice information from the Stats menu in the Memory mode. You can also erase
practice sessions from the Suunto G6 memory.