
Tire Pressure Monitoring
System (TPMS) (if equipped)
The tire pressure monitoring system is
designed to alert you when one or more of
the tires on your vehicle is significantly
under-inflated. A Tire Pressure Monitoring
System (TPMS) sensor containing a
unique identification code is mounted on
each wheel. The TPMS sensors transmit
tire pressure signals to a central receiver
which relays the information to a tire pres-
sure monitoring system controller. When
the inflation pressure of one or more tires
indicates significant under-inflation, the low
tire pressure warning light shown below
comes on.
The TPMS controller is not programmed to
recognize the ID code of the TPMS sensor
in your spare tire. The tire pressure moni-
toring system will only work with the spare
tire if you bring your vehicle to an autho-
rized SUZUKI dealer to register the ID
code of the spare tire sensor. Refer to
“Replacing Tires and/or Wheels” in this
Low Tire Pressure Warning Light
Each tire, including the spare (if pro-
vided), should be checked monthly
when cold and inflated to the inflation
pressure recommended by the vehi-
cle manufacturer on the vehicle plac-
ard or tire inflation pressure label. (If
your vehicle has tires of a different
size than the size indicated on the
vehicle placard or tire inflation pres-
sure label, you should determine the
proper tire inflation pressure for
those tires.)
As an added safety feature, your
vehicle has been equipped with a tire
pressure monitoring system (TPMS)
that illuminates a low tire pressure
telltale when one or more of your
tires is significantly under-inflated.
Accordingly, when the low tire pres-
sure telltale illuminates, you should
stop and check your tires as soon as
possible, and inflate them to the
proper pressure.
Driving on a significantly under-
inflated tire causes the tire to over-
heat and can lead to tire failure.
Under-inflation also reduces fuel effi-
ciency and tire tread life, and may
affect the vehicle’s handling and
stopping ability.
Please note that the TPMS is not a
substitute for proper tire mainte-
nance, and it is the driver’s responsi-
bility to maintain correct tire
pressure, even if under-inflation has
not reached the level to trigger illumi-
nation of the TPMS low tire pressure