E. Motion setup:
y Camera 1: Choose desired camera.
y Detection Time: To enable / disable detection
of the cameras.
y Masking area: To disable some area you wish
not to detect.
y To exit, press MENU button again.
F. Event setup & Event report:
y Loss: If any camera loss its signal, the report will
go to Event report.
y Motion: Any motion detected in front of camera,
the report will go to Event report.
y Buzzer hold time: To enable or disable buzzer
function and can be set from OFF to 99 sec..
y Report hold time: To enable or disable the report
function and can be set from OFF to 99 sec.
y 6 pages of "EVENT REPORT" are available in
this system.
y Report can be deleted by choosing "YES" on
LIST CLEAR section.
y To exit, press MENU button again.
y Press any button except "OK" on the switch
box to clear the alarm noise.
y Alarm / Alarm Polarity: To enable the Power-On
alarm, all 4 alarm checks should be ticked
together with Alarm Polarity to be set "High".