Swann Communications warrants this product against defects in workmanship and material for a period
of one ( ) year from it’s original purchase date. You must present your receipt as proof of date of
purchase for warranty validation. Any unit which proves defective during the stated period will be
repaired without charge for parts or labour, or replaced at the sole discretion of Swann. The repair or
replacement will be warranted for either ninety days or the remainder of the original one year warranty
period, whichever is longer. The end user is responsible for all freight charges incurred to send the
to Swann’s repair centres.
shipping from and to any country other than the country of origin. The warranty does not cover any
incidental, accidental or consequential damages arising from the use of, or the inability to use this
. Any costs associated with the fitting or removal of this product by a tradesman or other person,
or any other costs associated with its use are the responsibility of the end user. This warranty applies to
the original purchaser of the only, and is not transferrable to any third party.
Unauthorised end user or third party modifications to any component or evidence of misuse or abuse of
the device will render all warranties void.
product The end user is responsible for all shipping costs incurred when
Help Desk / Support Details
Warranty Information
All Countries E-mail:
USA Exchange & Returns
AUSTRALIA toll free
(Sun-Thurs, 2pm-10pm US PT)
(Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm US PT)
1300 13 8324
(Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Aus ET)
+61 3 8412 4610
(Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Aus ET)
See http://www.worldtimeserver.com for information on different time
zones and the time in Melbourne Australia compared to your local time.
Telephone Helpdesk
New Zealand toll free
0800 479 266
(Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm Aus ET)
För dagsljus och mörker
Om apparaten inte fungerar, när du första gången
kopplar på den, skall du inte returnera den till affären.
Obs: Ett trådlöst nät (WiFi) kan störa och/eller störas av sändaren i denna enhet. Genom att ställa in en
annan kanal eller frekvens i mottagaren eller genom att ställa det trådlösa nätet (d.v.s. Wireless Access
Point) till en annan frekvens, som ligger mera avlägsen från kamerans frekvens kan störningarna dämpas.
Läs dokumentationen som beskriver din WLAN-apparat för att byta sändarfrekvensen. Dessa kameror
fungerar med flesta trådlösa kameramottagare som stöder 2414MHz, 2432MHz, 2450MHz och
Kontakta Swann kundtjänst via vår snabba e-post service:
, eller genom att ringa till numret som
finns på baksidan av detta häfte.
Flesta problem kan lösas lätt och snabbt genom ett kort samtal
med någon av våra vänliga tekniker.
( Gratissamtalen gäller endast i USA och Australien)