The hunting season in the US is fairly short compared
to Europe, for instance. In most cases, hunters have
the opportunity to go hunting just six times a year or
even fewer. It would only be a slight exaggeration to
say that a box of 20 bullets would last between three
and five years. It is understandable that long-range
shooting is particularly popular here, as it allows you
to practice your hunting skills throughout the year.
This is also the reason why in the US the majority of
projectiles are not fired during hunting expeditions,
but in other situations, such as target practice.
The country’s wide expanse is very well suited to long-
range shooting. There are huge numbers of clubs,
especially in the west and south of the country where
there are many open, sparsely populated areas.
“Looking for new challenges” is what most people give
as their reason for finding long-range shooting exciting.
They would like to practice their shooting skills so
that they can shoot better during the short hunting
season. Another reason for people to get involved in
long-range shooting is for the pure pleasure and/or to
compete in organized competitions.
Another vital aspect of this is also to test new, exciting,
and innovative equipment. The ATX/STX 30-70x95
spotting scope in particular, launched last year by
SWAROVSKI OPTIK, is causing a stir among those in-
volved in long-range shooting. Never before has there
been a spotting scope with such crystal-clear detail
resolution and up to 70x magnification. Even with its
95 mm objective lens, this slim spotting scope weighs
just around 70.5 oz. Hits all the marks for anyone
wanting to control their shots over long distances.
Even 20 years ago, a distance of around 328 yards
would have been described as a long-range shot.
Thanks to the huge strides made in technology, it is
possible nowadays to take accurate shots at much
longer distances as the above mentioned 328 yds.
This is also a challenge to all long-range optical
devices such as rifle scopes or binoculars.
Six exciting facts about long-range
shooting in the United States.