
Software in accordance with such
B.makeonecopyof theSoftware forback-up
or archival purposes, or copy the Software
onto theharddisk of YourDeviceand retain
theoriginalforback-upor archivalpurposes;
C. use the Software on a network, provided
thatYouhavealicensedcopyof theSoftware
foreachDevicethat canaccessthe Software
over that network;
D.permanentlytransferall ofYourrights in
the Software granted under this License
Agreement to another person or entity,
provided that You retain no copies of the
Software and the transferee agrees to the
terms of this License Agreement. Partial
transfer of Your rights under this License
Agreement shall not be permitted. For
example, if the applicable documentation
grants You the right to use multiple copies
of theSoftware,onlyatransferofthe rights
to use all such copies of the Software would
be valid; and
E. use the Software in accordance with any
additional permitted uses which may be set
forth below.
You may not, nor may you permit
any other person to:
A.sublicense,rent orlease anyportion ofthe
B.reverseengineer,decompile, disassemble,
modify, translate, make any attempt to
discover the source code of the Software or
create derivative works from the Software;
C. use the Software as part of a facility
management, timesharing, service provider
or service bureau arrangement; or
D.usetheSoftwarein anymanner thatis not
permitted pursuant to this License
2. Software Feature and Content
A. You shall have the right to receive new
features to the Software as Symantec, in its
with the Software during Your Service
Period. Symantec continually strives to
products and services. In order to optimize
theSoftwareSymantecmay,at itsdiscretion
and without notice, add, modify or remove
features from the Software at any time.
B. Certain Software uses content that is
updatedfromtimetotime,includingbut not
limited to the following Software: antivirus
and crimeware software use updated virus
definitions; antispyware software uses
updated spyware definitions; antispam
software uses updated antispam rules;
content filtering and antiphishing software
use updated firewall rules; vulnerability
assessment products use updated
vulnerability data and web site
authentication software uses updated lists
of authenticated web pages; these updates
are collectively referred to as Content
Updates(or alternatively referred to as
Protection Updatesor Security Updates
at times). Youshallhavetherighttoreceive
Content Updates for the Software during
Your Service Period.
3. Product Installation; Required
A. During the installation process, the
Software may uninstall or disable other
securityproducts,orfeaturesthereof, ifsuch
products or features are incompatible with
the Software or for purposes of improving
the overall functionality of the Software.
B. There may be technological measures in
this Software that are designed to prevent
unlicensedorillegal useof theSoftware. You
toprotectSymantecagainstsoftware piracy.
This Software may contain enforcement
technology that limits the ability to install
more than a finite number of times for a
finite number of Devices. This License
Agreement and the Software containing
enforcement technology may require
activation as further set forth in the
Documentation. Ifso,theSoftwarewillonly
operate for a finite period of time prior to
Software activation by You. During
activation, You may be required to provide
Your unique activation code accompanying
theSoftwareandDeviceconfiguration inthe
form of an alphanumeric code over the
Internet to verify the authenticity of the
Software. If You do not complete the
activationwithinthe finiteperiod oftime set
forth in theDocumentation, orasprompted