MC9000-G with Windows
Mobile 2003 Software for Pocket PCs PRG
AirBEAM Smart Client
The AirBEAM Smart Client is installed on the handheld mobile computer. It is configured with the
server access information, the names of the packages to be downloaded and other controlling
parameters. When the AirBEAM Smart Client is launched, the device connects to the specified FTP
server and checks the packages it is configured to look for. If the package version was updated, the
client requests the transfer.
AirBEAM License
The AirBEAM Smart Client is a licensed software product. The AirBEAM Smart Client's version
synchronization functionality is enabled through a license key file that is stored on the client device.
The license key file can be built into AirBEAM Smart Client's image, or downloaded in a special
AirBEAM package.
The AirBEAM license key file contains a unique key and a customer specific banner that is displayed
when the AirBEAM Smart Client version synchronization logic is invoked.
Configuring the AirBEAM Smart Client
1. Tap Start - Programs - AirBEAM Smart Client. The AirBEAM Smart CE window appears.
2. Tap File - Configure. The AirBEAM configuration window appears.
Figure 6-1. AirBEAM Configuration Window
The configuration window is used to view and edit AirBEAM Smart Client configurations. This dialog
box has six tabs that you can modify - Packages(1), Packages(2), Server, Misc(1), Misc(2) and Misc(3).