Certificates are used by some applications for establishing trust and for secure communications.
Certificates are signed and issued by certificate authorities and are valid for a prescribed period of
time. Windows CE manages multiple certificate stores.
1. Select Start - Settings - Control Panel, and double-tap the Certificates icon.
Figure 3-11. Certificates Window
2. Select the certificate group (from the drop-down list) to be viewed or modified.
• The Trusted Authorities store lists the top-level certificates for trusted authorities.
• The My Certificates store contains the personal certificates, which are used for
• The Other Authorities store lists intermediate certificate authorities that help establish
a chain of trust.
3. To add a certificate or associated private key to the selected store, tap Import.
4. To view more details of the selected certificate, such as the expanded name or expiration
date, tap View.
5. To delete a certificate, select it in the drop-down list and tap Remove.
6. Tap OK for the settings to take effect.