DLL File Formats
In downloading a data file, if the actual record length is less than the specified record length,
the blank bytes are filled with space codes (20h); if it exceeds the specified record length, the
excess is discarded.
When downloaded:
Interpreting CR-LF Codes in records
Ir-Transfer Utility C DLL interprets all characters 00h to FFh as data, but it usually interprets
CR-LF codes in records as a record separator. If a record in a data file to be transmitted
contains CR-LF codes, the Ir-Transfer Utility C DLL divides the record according to the
record separator as follows.
When downloaded:
Specified Record Length
Record 1 CR LF = Equal to the specified record length
Record 2 CR LF = Less than the specified record length
Record 3 CR LF = Exceeds the specified record length
Specified Record Length
Record 1 = As it was
Record 2 Space Codes = Blank Codes are filled with space codes
Record 3 = Excess data is discarded
Specified Record Length
Record n1 CR LF Record n2 CR LF
Specified Record Length
Record n1 Space Codes = Divided into two blocks
during transmission
Record n2 Space Codes