
We are delighted that you have selected a product. In purchasing the new M-system you have acquired a
top-quality piece of equipment which has been designed and developed with the wishes of the audiophile music lover as
absolute top priority.
Our synthesis of a user-friendly operating philosophy, solid, carefully thought-out construction, all the features and
facilities anyone could desire, and high-quality materials ensure that this system will satisfy your most stringent
demands and requirements over a period of many years.
All the components used in this system satisfy the currently valid German and European safety norms and standards in
accordance with IEC 65 and EN 60065.
Thorough quality checking of all materials, painstaking production by highly qualified staff, and a fully automatic,
computer-controlled final quality control process guarantee a product of high quality which meets the specification in full.
In our production system we avoid the use of all environmentally harmful and potentially injurious substances, such as
chlorine-based solvents and CFCs.
Moreover we avoid the use of plastics (especially PVC) as a constructional element wherever possible. Instead we rely
upon metals and other non-harmful materials which on the one hand are recyclable and on the other offer very good
electrical shielding characteristics.
Our insistence on solid all-metal cases eliminates the problem of adverse effects on sound quality caused by external
sources of interference.
This also ensures that the electro-magnetic radiation (electro-smog) caused by our equipment is effectively shielded,
reducing it to an absolute minimum.
The cables of the M-system are concealed, and are thereby integrated into the shielding measures. The cases are
effectively sealed units all round, and look neat and professional even from the rear.
The compact nature of the system has only been possible by compressing proven sub-assemblies right to the limit of
what is possible without making concessions to the circuitry which would compromise quality.
Please accept our thanks for your faith in us; we wish you many hours of pleasure with your M-system.
elektroakustik GmbH & Co KG
The M-system can be expanded to form a home cinema system by adding a DVD 820 M DVD player and DD 820 M
surround decoder.
If you own a TV set and F1 system remote control handset, please note that these operating instructions indicate
where different controls have to be used.
All components used in this system satisfy the currently valid German and European safety norms and
standards. For your own safety please read right through these operating instructions, and observe our
recommendations and safety notes, especially regarding setting up and operating the system.