
DEL (hex.7F)
Clear previous characters in the print buffer.
ESC (hex.1B)
Start character for a subsequent program sequence.
FF (hex.0C)
When the printer receives this code, it prints the data in the print buffer, then advances
the paper from the current print position to the top-of-form position on the next page.
The next line is beginning at the left margin.
HT (hex.09)
This code causes the following characters to be printed starting from the first horizontal
tab stop after the current print position. When the printer is switched on, tab stops are
set at every eighth print position.
The amount by which the print position is shifted by tabulation depends on the selected
character spacing. When horizontal tabulation is carried out e.g. at a position being ten
spaces to the right of the current print position, code HT will shift printing in normal mode
one inch to the right. Except for enlarged mode, the print position at which the character
spacing is changed is defined as the first column provided that character spacing is
changed within a line.
If there are no tab stops following the current print position, code HT is ignored. If the
next tab stop exceeds the right margin, the printer carries out a carriage return and line
feed on receipt of this code.
LF (hex.0A)
When the printer receives this code, it prints all the data in the print buffer and then
advances the paper by one line.
The amount by which the paper is advanced depends on the current line spacing.
NUL (hex.00)
SI (hex.0F)
Selection of condensed print mode.
SO (hex.0E)
Code for double width print within one line (enlarged printing).
Control Codes