
May 04 Publication No. GEG-99197
TallyGenicom mL450 Laser Printer User Manual 7-11
PostScript Operators
PostScript Operators
All of the standard file-object related operators (file, read, write, etc.) are supported. In addition,
following is a list of device-related PostScript Compatibility operators that are supported for use
with the FLASH SIMM(%flash%) or hard disk (%disk0%) options:
- devdismount
- devforall
- devformat
- devmount
- devstatus
- diskonline
- diskstatus
- initializedisk
- dosysstart
- setdosysstart
Device Parameter Sets
When installed, a device parameter set will be supported for either or both FLASH SIMM and hard
disk options. The parameter sets can be referenced using the device names %flash% or %disk0%.
Each parameter set will include the following parameters:
- LogicalSize
- Writeable
- BlockSize
- Searchable
- SearchOrder
- Type
- Mounted
- HasNames
- PhysicalSize
- InitializeAction
- Free
- Removable
Warmstart.ps and Sys/Start Files
When either or both the FLASH SIMM or hard disk options are installed, there are two features
which provide support for automatic execution of a PostScript program during power-on initializa-