When exporting a TMS system to the Meeting Room service, a Sametime
account is required for this system. If the Create account automatically option
is enabled, A Sametime account is automatically created in the Domino Direc-
tory. You will be prompted for a password to assign to this account’. If the
create account option is unchecked, you will be prompted for the username
and password of the existing Sametime account to associate to this system.
If “Same Domino Password for all exported TMS Systems” is checked,
you will only be prompted once, and the password is reused for all the
exported systems.
By adding the systems new accounts are created in the Domino Directory.
Administrators can modify the user account properties freely except user-
name, password, lastname and also the title located under the Work tab.
If these values change, you must remove and readd the systems with the
conguration tool
Same Domino Password for all ex-
ported TMS Systems
When enabled, all Domino accounts
created for exported systems are
created with the same password.
Create account on Domino server
Automatically create new Domino
accounts for each exported TMS
Video client
The Sametime integration requires two componets on the client machine.
The Video Plugin and the Movi video component. The video plugin will au-
tomatically be downloaded when the client connects to the Sametime server
where the plugin was installed (default community server). The Movi video
component must still be installed before the Sametime video integration will
function. If users have administrative permissions on their computers, they
can open Internet Explorer and browse to the hostname/IP address of the
Movi server itself.
Video client installation