The Conference List displays information about active, scheduled, and completed conferences. To access this list,
choose .
Review this information for explanations about the details that display:
Active conferences
Scheduled conferences
Completed conferences
Active conferences are currently in progress. The following information is displayed for each conference:
Displays the conference streaming page. This
option is not necessarily available for every
conference; some users do not have access to
other user's conferences. Some conferences may
require a PIN to access this feature.
See Using streaming to view conferences for
more information.
The name of the conference, which is either the
name entered when the conference was
scheduled, or, in the case of certain specialized
types of conferences, a name chosen
automatically by the MCU when created.
Specialized conference types are described below
in Description.
Click the conference name to display detailed
information about the conference and
Additional information about the conference,
which can assist users joining conferences.
You can add the description when scheduling a
conference. If you do not add a description or the
conference has not been scheduled in advance, the
Description displays one of the following:
The conference has been scheduled in
advance using the MCU web interface,
but the owner has not entered a
The conference was created dynamically
during an auto attendant session and will
end when the last participant using the
auto attendant exits the conference.
This type of conference indicates that a
participant is currently connected to the
auto attendant and navigating the menus.
The configured owner of the conference.
See Conference ownership for additional