D14111.02—MAY 2008 4
Content Server
User Guide
Conference thumbnail
Conference name
icon and link
icon and link
Search Sort by
The display after you have
successfully logged in.
Screen options
You can customize what you see on the screen by
means of the three sorting options:
Category: Conferences can be grouped according
to category. Selecting All will list every conference
you have access to. The conference information
also shows what category a conference belongs to.
Search: You can enter words or phrases to find the
conference you are looking for. You can search on
conference name, description, speaker, location
and keywords.
Sort By: By default, conferences are sorted
by date, with the newest one at the top. You
can change the order that the conferences are
Downloading conferences
If a conference has a download option available,
clicking the option will allow you to download
files for playing on your portable device or on the
computer using Windows Media Player, QuickTime
Player or RealPlayer.
This way, you can watch the conferences over
again without being connected to the Internet or
viewing them using the Content Server Viewer.
The screen options let you customize what you see on the screen
Ways to watch a conference
Playing back conferences in the Content Viewer
There are four options to click for playing back conferences:
Conference thumbnail1.
Conference name2.
Play icon3.
Play link4.
Any of these will launch the viewer so you can watch the conference.
In this chapter…
Screen options
Conference lists
Setting preferences
Viewing conferences
What’s in this user guide?
Frequently Asked Questions