4 – DP-02 Appendix
PowChord Distorted power chord setting for backing
BmLead A special lead sound with pitch shift of a seventh and distortion
FlngGtr Treble overdrive and a “jet” flanger
Oct.Dist One octave down split distortion
PhaseRev Phase and reverb for backing
Ensemble 3D chorus effect — good with single-coil pickups
Surf Suitable for West Coast surf
Violin Smooth attack — nice with a humbucker
BlkPanel A famous tube combo with spring reverb
UKStack Maybe the most famous stack in the world
Jimi Box There was only one Jimi and his distorted sound was something like this
MBoogie Famous combo sounds
HeartBrk Tube stack at low gain
GentWeep Chorus and distortion — great for a “crying” solo
Bfinger Distortion and retuned chorus. Good for finger-style playing
Tweed Tweed-covered amp sound — use with the front single-coil pickup (blues, for instance)
RSCrunch A warm “crunch” guitar setting for single-coil pickups
NightDrv A deeper shade of purple. Single-coil sounds good here
Ult.Funk Ultimate funky cutting sound
Axe Bom Heavy metal with a doubling edge
Doctor Wah-wah pedal halfway down
Sold No Simulated high-quality tube amp
Run Away Play a cutting sound using a pick
Remains Double-neck 12-string sound
Nostalgi Tube-based overdrive
RealDst1 Distortion only, influenced by a large stack
RealDst2 Distortion only, influenced by a famous small combo
RealDst3 Power tube distortion sound
RealDst4 Distortion only, influenced by echo on a smaller combo
Acoustic guitar settings (Aco.Guitar)
Heaven Reverb with treble boost for a spacious feel
Stroke Echo and chorus — good for backing
Solo For acoustic solos
Blues For acoustic blues slide work
Arpeggio Acoustic picked arpeggios sound good with this setting
12String 12-string guitar sound (chorus and exciter)
Crystal A crystal-clear sound, emphasizing the treble, and making the best of a not-so-good guitar
Nashvill For that Nashville sound (“fat” acoustic)
Mellow A mellow acoustic setting — simulates nylon guitar on steel strings, using a treble cut
ChorVib A “thick” vibrato chorus sound
TremSolo A stereo tremolo solo sound
Bass guitar settings (Bass Guitar)
These sound best with bass instruments— other source
may not give such a good effect.
Miller Flanger — good for “chopper” bass
Singing A “singing” bass tone (chorus and distortion). Progressive sound
Fretless A fretless bass sound
Chopper Useful for slap-style playing
Heavy For heavy rock, etc. Distortion adds depth to the sound
Peculiar A warm bass sound
RockBass Distorted pick-bass setting with emphasized treble