3 Making your first recording
3) Play the tape for about 10 seconds and then stop the tape.
4) Press the counter reset button.
3.3 Setting the level
The aim of this section is to teach you to set the input level so that
the average signals coming from the microphone will light the
meter indicator, and the loudest will light the +6 indicator.
1) Make sure all
OUTPUT LEVEL controls are set to 0. Put on
the headphones and set the
PHONES LEVEL to the 0 position.
If you do not do turn down the speaker volume, you will probably get
feedback (“howlround”) when you start using the microphone.
2) Set both TRIM controls to the LINE position.
Although you will probably end up with this control at the MIC posi-
tion, or close to it, for now, set it to LINE.
3) Take the INPUT 2 fader to the 0 mark. Bring the INPUT 1
fader up to between the
7 and 8 marks.
This is called the “nominal” position, and is the position where the
electronics controlled by the fader will not have to amplify the signal
too much (causing noise) or have too much signal going into them
(causing distortion).
4) Switch the microphone on if necessary. Speak into the
microphone at the volume you will be recording.
It is important than when you perform these level checks that you
speak, sing or play at the level at which you will actually be recording.
Most people, when they first start recording, tend to be a little louder
than when they are simply checking the levels.
5) While talking into the microphone, turn the INPUT 1 TRIM
control clockwise until the left
0 indicator is lit most of the
time, and the
+6 indicator is lit on the loudest parts.
If the 0 indicator hardly lights at all, you may be too far from the
microphone, or you are speaking too softly. If the microphone uses
batteries, you may need to replace them.
You can also bring the fader up from the 7-8 position to increase the
level, but you should do this only after the TRIM control has been
turned fully clockwise.
6) Adjust the PHONES LEVEL until you are comfortable with
what you hear in the headphones.