Shearing prevention system: realised by means of microswitches and safety circuit; it is
activated when the door is opened and/or the grid on the hopper is lifted and it brings the
machine to a temporary STOP: EME will appear on the display. Do not use this device to
stop the machine during batch freezing cycles, but always use the STOP function instead.
Motor reliability of service: realised by means of temperature relays to protect motors
against overloads.
In any case the machine carries out a series of tests during production:
Production control system
Carried out by the microprocessor through a current transformer. It controls the agitator
motor watt.
Batch freezing safety timer
It operates 35 minutes after the beginning of batch freezing in case the consistency
minimum value set up by the manufacturer is not reached. The compressor stops, the
agitator runs slowly, the STOP pushbutton is lit up, the production pushbutton and the
display blink and an intermittent beep is released. In this case check the presence of
troubles in the refrigerant circuit and/or check the proportion of the batch.
Lack of growth in consistency
It operates if the batch stops increasing in consistency due to a wrong proportion of
ingredients or due to a non-uniform amalgamation, after the minimum alarm threshold is
overcome. The compressor stops, the agitator keeps on running, the PRODUCTION
pushbutton blinks and an intermittent beep is released.
Logic unit self-reset in case of lack of power supply
It stops the machine allowing the manual reset of the functions.
Logic unit self-diagnosis (watch-dog)
It controls possible internal troubles and stops the card in case of failure.