Chapter 5 – AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
SocketModem Global MT5634SMI Developer’s Guide 32
Command: %Sn Command Speed Response
Values: n = 0, 1
Default: 0
Description: %S0 Sets modem to respond to AT commands at all normal speeds.
%S1 AT commands accepted at 115200 bps only. Commands at other speeds are ignored.
Command: $Dn DTR Dialing
Values: n = 0 or 1
Default: 0
Description: $D0 Disables DTR dialing.
$D1 Dials the number in memory location 0 when DTR goes high.
Command: $EBn Asynchronous Word Length
Values: n = 0 or 1
Default: 0
Description: $EB0 Enables 10-bit mode.
$EB1 Enables 11-bit mode.
Command: $MBn Online BPS Speed
Values: n = speed in bits per second
Default: 28,800
Description: $MB75 Selects CCITT V.23 mode
$MB300 Selects 300 bps on-line
$MB1200 Selects 1200 bps on-line
$MB2400 Selects 2400 bps on-line
$MB4800 Selects 4800 bps on-line
$MB9600 Selects 9600 bps on-line
$MB14400 Selects 14400 bps on-line
$MB19200 Selects 19200 bps on-line
$MB28800 Selects 28800 bps on-line
$MB33600 Selects 33600 bps on-line
Command: $RPn Ring Priority vs. AT Command Priority
Values: n = 0 or 1
Default: 1
Description: $RP0 The AT command will have priority over the ring. S1 will be reset to 0 if an
AT command is received. This command is storable to memory.
$RP1 The ring will have priority over the AT command. S1 will increment even if an
AT command and ring are received together and the incoming call will be
answered when S1 is equal to S0.
Note: SocketModems do not detect ring cadence of TelTone telephone line
simulators as a valid ring.
Command: $SBn Serial Port Baud Rate
Values: n= speed in bits per second
Default: 115200
Description: $SB300 Sets serial port to 300 bps
$SB1200 Sets serial port to 1200 bps
$SB2400 Sets serial port to 2400 bps
$SB4800 Sets serial port to 4800 bps
$SB9600 Sets serial port to 9600 bpst
$SB19200 Sets serial port to 19200 bps
$SB38400 Sets serial port to 38400 bps
$SB57600 Sets serial port to 57600 bps
$SB115200 Sets serial port to 115200 bps
$SB230400 Sets serial port to 230400 bps