T E K A will not accept responsability for faults
or damage caused by incorrect or defective
Once the gas connetion has been made the
a i rtightness of the installation mus be chec-
ked. If the check is made using air, the tes-
ting pre s s u r e must be no greater than 200
g / c m
To avoid causing damage to the hob during
installation when tightenig the gas pipe con-
nection nut, a maximum grip torque of 350
kg.f.cm must be used.
After installing the hob, check that the bur-
ners’ minimum settings are well regulated. To
do this, light the burners and check that they
do not go out when brusquely turned fro m
maximum to minimum.
Do not connect the hob burners with town gas
whose composition contains carbon monoxi-
de, except in models which incorporate a
safety device.
Each time the gas connection nut is re m o v e d
the washer must be replaced.
The gas connection must be so sited that it is
not adversely heated when the appliance is in
When the gas hob has been installed, it is essen-
tial to check that neither the gas hose nor the
electric cable is in contact with hot parts of the
appliance or hot gas exhaust, otherwise heat
damage to the hose and cable could occur.
When installation is completed, check that
all the gaskets are leaktight and any other
possible leak using a soap based solution,
never a flame.
(Only for cookers with automatic ignition or
with electric hotplates).
First of all it must be checked that the mains
voltage is the same as that indicated on the
appliance’s rating plate.
The connection must be made through an
omnipolar cut-off switch with a distance of at
least 3 mm between the contacts, assuring
disconnection in cases of emergency or for
the cleaning of the hob. It must also be pro v i-
ded with the correct earth connection in accor-
dance with the applicable regulations.
If it comes necessary to change the flexible
power cable in model CG.1 3G. 1P, the re p l a-
cement must be carried out by TEKA’s off i c i a l
Technical Service as special tools are re q u i-
red. With the other hob models it is also
recommended that the replacement be carried
out by TEKA’s Techncial Service, though these
cables can be ord e red from the Technical Ser-
vice giving the re f e rence CG Lux-60, CG Lux-
70, CG Lux-75, CG Lux-86 3G and CG Lux-86
2G 1P mains power cable, depending on the
model in question.
Elbow Union
Hose Holder
Electrical Connection
Drawing 19