The minimum diameter of the pans to be used
is 140 mm. For pans of 120 mm diameter or
less, use the small burner with the pan sup-
port supplement.
The electric hotplates are controlled by a
seven step switch. To obtain diff e rent powers
the corresponding control must be turned to
the desired setting. (See drawing 23).
The pan should be placed on the electric hot-
plate before it is switched on.
The powers corresponding to each setting of
the control knob are shown in the following
Hotplate Ø 145 – 1500 W.
Control at Power
0 Disconnected
1 135 W.
2 165 W.
3 250 W.
4 500 W.
5 750 W.
6 1500 W.
These hobs have zones which become hot
during and after their use and can cause
The red-point hotplate (1,500 W) heats up
especially quickly and at its maximum power
during approximately the first five minutes.
After this time its power drops to 500 W and it
conserves the same temperature.
The control panel features a square drawing
containing circles beside each control knob,
indicating to which hotplate the control corres-
On the same panel there is a pilot light which
indicates the operation of one or more hotplates.
Hotplate operation pilot
Control indicator
Pilot light
When connecting the hotplate for the first
time, or if the plate has not been used in a
long time, it is necessary to dry out any humi-
dity which may have been absorbed by the
insulation. To achieve this, switch the hotplate
on, without any pan, for five minutes at power
position 2.
TEKA Industrial, S.A. will accept no re s p o n s i -
bility for possible inaccuracies contained in
this instruction manual due to transcription or
printing errors.
It also re s e rves the right to make any modifi-
cations it considers necessary or useful to its
appliances without affecting their essential
Switching on Electric Hotplates
Drawing 23
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