Status and Events
PS2520G and PS2521G Programmer Manual
Status Registers
The programmable power supplies use status registers that are
defined by SCPI, IEEE-488.1, and IEEE-488.2 standards.
SCPI Status Registers
The power supplies include two status registers defined by the SCPI
H OPERation Status Registers (CONDition, EVENt, and ENABle)
H QUEStionable Status Registers (CONDition, EVENt, and
The STATus subsystem (Figure 8) is the hierarchical set of
commands that read the SCPI defined status registers.
:CONDition :ENABle
:CONDition :ENABle
Figure 8: STATus Hierarchy of SCPI Defined Registers
The lower-level nodes :OPERation and :QUEStionable each have
three 16-bit registers: CONDition, EVENt, and ENABle. Figure 9
shows the sequential relationship between these three types of
registers and the commands that relate to each register.