Reference: Remote Commands ~ Command Description
3-54 OTS9100 User Manual
This command sets the values of all bytes in the generated STS-1 #1 Path Overhead data. The query
form returns the current setting. There are 9 bytes in the data block. For SONET, these bytes are J1 B3
C2 G1 F2 H4 Z3 Z4 N1; for SDH, these bytes are J1 B3 C2 G1 F2 H4 F3 K3 N1.
Syntax: :SOURce<slot>:DATA:POH:ALL? [<NR1>]
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:POH:ALL <NR1> ,<Block>
This command sets the values of the C2 byte in the generated Path Overhead data in all background
(inactive) channels. The query form returns the current setting.
Syntax: :SOURce<slot>:DATA:POH:BACKground:BYTE:C2A?
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:POH:BACKground:BYTE:C2A <NR1>
This command sets the value of a specific byte in the generated STS-1 #1 Path Overhead data. The byte
selection is specified by three numeric parameters: the first specifies the STS-1 number, the second
specifies the row number, and the third specifies the data. Because only STS-1 #1 may be selected, the
first parameter must be set to 1. The query form returns the current byte value.
Syntax: :SOURce<slot>:DATA:POH:BYTE? <NR1>
:SOURce<slot>:DATA:POH:BYTE <NR1> ,<NR1>
This command sets the value of the C2 byte in the generated STS-1 #1 Path Overhead data. The query
form returns the current setting.
Syntax :SOURce<slot>:DATA:POH:BYTE:C2A?