Using the Menus
WFM90D and WFM91D Service Manual
Table 2- 7: Configure menu choices
Category Submenu Function
DISPLAY VIEW The right two bezel buttons adj ust the viewing angle of the LCD
display up or down to allow optional viewing of the display from
different positions.
BRIGHT The right t wo bezel buttons adj ust the brightness of the LCD
INTENS TRACE The right two bezel buttons adjust the intensity of the signal trace.
GRAT The right two bezel buttons adjust the intensity of the measure-
ment graticule.
INPUT DC REST Sets the DC restorer speed to SLOW or FAST.
REF Sets the video signal reference to INT (internal reference) or EXT
(external reference input signal). When external reference is
selected, EXT REF appears in the onscreen readout of the
Waveform and Vector displays. If the monitor loses its signal
reference, MISSING SYNC is displayed in the onscreen readout.
VAR GAIN VAR GAIN Turns the variable gain on and off. When the variable gain is on,
the right two bezel buttons adjust the signal gain (the instrument
must be in Waveform or Vector display mode). The first time you
press one of the right two bezel buttons, the category list
disappears from the left side of the display to provide maximum
signal viewing. The right two bezel buttons wi ll now adjust the
signal gain. To see the category list, press the left bezel button.
When the variable gain is on, GAIN UNCAL displays onscreen in
Waveform, Vector, and Waveform-in-Picture display modes.
VECTOR BARS Sets the calibration of the vector chrominance gain to correctly
process 75% or 100% amplitude color bar signals.
SETUP (WFM90D only.)
Sets the vector gain to correctly process NTSC input signals with
or without setup.
ALT PH (WFM91D only.)
Alternate Phase. Turns the PAL +V mode on and off. When the
mode is on, the phase reference of the --V lines is i nverted and
then shown as an overlay on the +V lines to provide a comparison
When HUE is selected, the right two Bezel Buttons adjust the hue
of the Picture display (instrument must be in Picture display
COLOR The right two Bezel Buttons adjust the color of the Picture display
(instrument must be in Picture display mode).