1740A/1750A Series Waveform/Vector Monitor User Manual
Magnifier , 2-5, 3 -4
Mains frequency , 1-11
Manual, part numbers, 1-7
Markers, 3-9
Measurement Cursors, Specification, A-7
Measurements, 4-1
audio, 4-15
chroma bandwidth, 4 -9
differential phase and gain, 4-9
horizontal sync a mplitude, 4-5
k-factor, 4-5
peak white, 4-5
pulse-to-bar , 4-5
SCH phase, 4-10
vector, 4-9
Mechanical installation, 1-12
clear menu, 2-8, 3-6
configure, 2-7, 3-18
CRT, 2-7, 3-24
cursor, 2-7, 3-8
filter, 2-7, 3-7
gain, 2-7, 3-24
line select, 2-7, 3-14
multiple menu displays, 3-5
preset, 2-7, 3-16
using the menus, 3 -5
Multiple display, 2-5, 3-3
Multi-use controls, 2-2
Offsets, enable, 3-21
Operating standard, 1-1, 3-20
Operating voltage, 1-11
Optional accessories, 1-7
Options, 1-5
Ordering accessories, 1-8
Overlay mode, 2-7, 3-4
Packaging for shipment, 1-9
Parade mode, 2-6, 3-4
Performance specification, A-3
Physical Characteristics, Specification,
Picture display, 2-5, 3 -2
Pix out (signal for picture monitor), 2-8
Polar cursors, 3-8
Position controls, 2-5
Power cord, 1-5
Power Source, Specification, A-12
Power source, 1-10
Preset menu, 3-16
R-Y filter , 3-7
Rack adapter
installation, 1-13
optional accessory , 1-8
Readout intensity , 1-15, 3-24
Rear-panel connectors, 2 -8
Recall preset, 3 -17
Reference (internal/external), 3-23
Reliability , A-1
Remote connector
configuration, 3-23
description, 2-9, B-1
pin assignments, B-1
wiring converter, B-4
Remote sync, B-2
Rename presets, 3 -17
Reset, locked instrument controls, 2-1
Reset gain, 3-22
RGB/YRGB, Specification, A-7
RGB/YRGB staircase input, 3 -23