Appendix E
1910 Option 1K
Option 1K adds Korean ghost cancellation reference (GCR) signals to the 1910
NTSC Digital Test Signal Generator and Inserter. The new GCR signals replace
the VICR and 25 IRE Pedestal signals in the base 1910 instrument.
Hardware Changes
Option 1K replaces two of the instruction PROMs on the Microprocessor circuit
board and five of the signal memory PROMs on the Sync and Memory circuit
board. The new configuration alters the test signal vertical-interval line
Installing this option deletes any previously installed custom signals.
Signal Changes
Option 1K replaces two of the standard test signals with Korean ghost cancella-
tion reference signals. Changes to the standard specifications are noted in
Table E–1. Figures E-1 and E-2 show details of the replacement test signals.
Table E–1: Option 1K test signal changes
Characteristic Description
GCR Positive
Pedestal amplitude 30 IRE ±0.5 IRE
Chrominance amplitude 80 IRE ±1 IRE1
Line timing See Figure 1 on page E–2
GCR Negative
Pedestal amplitude 30 IRE ±0.5 IRE
Chrominance amplitude 80 IRE ±1 IRE
Line timing See Figure 2 on page E–2
(+70 to –10 IRE).