Novell NetWare Configuration
Network Utilities for Color Printers
Configure print server (file server) menu
Use this menu to conÞgure Þle-server-speciÞc parameters for the printer.
Advanced ConÞguration: ConÞgure print server (file server) menu
Submenu Description Choices
Print server name Name for print server portion
of printerÕs NetWare interface
Any valid NetWare print server
Full name User-supplied name for the
print server
Any valid NetWare print server full
Print server
List of authorized print server
Select users from the list to be
print server operators
Notify list List of users to notify if there is
a printer error*
Select users from the list to be
notiÞed of printer errors
Login password Password used when logging
in to a Þle server
Any valid unencrypted password
(limited to 47 characters)
*The printer sends messages such as: out of paper, paper jam, cover open. If you
create a notify list, be sure to enable notiÞcation using the Notify command in the
ConÞgure print server (printer) menu.