
Keyframe Operations
Setting and Adjusting Start Times
Timelines can be moved in relationship with each other by
changing the start time of one timeline.
1. Recall a multiple level effect using M/E 1 and M/E 2.
2. Select Delegates Mode on the Keyframe Menu.
3. “Undelegate” M/E 1 by pressing its’ level enable button.
4. Note that the M/E 1 button goes to low tally, and its’ level
indicator on the Timeline Menu becomes un-highlighted.
5. To adjust the start time:
a. Select Start with the Time Knob Select button.
b. Adjust the start time by turning the TIME soft knob. The
time cursors will move as delay is added to the start of the
c. “Re-delegate” M/E 1. Run the effect. Note that M/E 2
now starts later than M/E 1.
6. To set a start time:
a. Position the effect at the 2nd. keyframe. Press the SET
START TIME button on the Timeline Menu.
b. The effect will now start at keyframe 2, rather than
keyframe 1.