Using Color
Phaser 240 Drivers and Utilities
Using color corrections
Color printers and computer display screens produce color differently.
Printers use the subtractive primaries CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, and
black), and produce color when light is reflected off the paper. Computers
use the additive primaries RGB (red, green, blue) with a light-emitting CRT
screen. The printer and the computer screen each have a different range of
possible colors they can produce, with some overlap between them.
Software application packages specify color in different ways, for example as
CMYK or RGB, or they may give you a choice. Get to know your
applications so you can use color more effectively.
The TekColor color correction options are available for a finer degree of
control over color. Since no single color correction option can address all
uses, refer to the following table for the description that best fits your
printing situation, and try the suggested color correction.
Printing objective or problem Color correction to use Where to find
Brightest, most vibrant colors Vivid Color page 6-10
Overhead transparency presentations Vivid Color page 6-10
Blue colors are printing too purple Vivid Color page 6-10
Using PANTONE Colors None page 6-10
Colors should match computer display screen Simulate Display page 6-11
Colors should match a printing press Simulate Press page 6-11
Colors are too dark Simulate Display page 6-11
Colors are washed out or faded Vivid Color page 6-10
Print in gray scale Monochrome page 6-12