
Regulatory Information
User Manual
Section III – Hazards identification
Potential Health Effects:
Eyes: Non-irritating.
Skin: Non-irritating.
Inhalation: Not considered a route of exposure.
Ingestion: Not considered a route of exposure.
Section IV – First aid measures
This material is a coated Þlm. No medical emergency is foreseen when
product is used as intended.
Section V – Fire fighting measures
Flammable Properties:
Flash point: Not applicable.
Fire & explosion hazards: The Þlm will burn when in contact with Þre.
Products of combustion include carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and
water which are similar to combustion of other products found in an ofÞce
Section VI – Accidental release measures
Spill Or Leak: This section is not applicable to this product, which is a
dry Þlm.
Section VII – Handling and storage
Handling: No special precautions necessary.
Storage: Store away from excessive heat.
Section VIII – Exposure control – personal protection
Exposure Guidelines: No PEL or TLV established.
Engineering Controls: No special controls necessary.
Eye Protection: None needed.
Skin Protection: None needed.
Respiratory Protection: None needed.