Performance Tests
TDS 684A, TDS 744A, & TDS 784A Service Manual
1. Install the test hookup and preset the instrument controls:
a. Hook up the test-signal source:
H Set the output of a DC calibration generator to 0 volts.
H Connect the output of a DC calibration generator through a
dual-banana connector followed by a 50 W precision coaxial cable to
one side of a BNC T connector. See Figure 4–5.
H Connect the Sense output of the generator through a second
dual-banana connector followed by a 50 W precision coaxial cable to
the other side of the BNC T connector. Now connect the BNC T
connector to CH 1. See Figure 4–5.
DC Calibrator
50 W Coaxial Cables
Dual Banana to
BNC Adapters
Digitizing Oscilloscope
Output Sense
Figure 4–5: Initial Test Hookup
b. Initialize the oscilloscope:
H Press save/recall SETUP.
H Press the main-menu button Recall Factory Setup.
H Press the side-menu button OK Confirm Factory Init.
c. Modify the default settings:
H Press SHIFT; then press ACQUIRE MENU.
H Press the main-menu button Mode; then press the side-menu button
Average 16.
2. Confirm input channels are within limits for DC accuracy at maximum offset
and position: Do the following substeps — test CH 1 first, skipping substep
2a since CH 1 is already selected from step 1.