Syntax and Commands
AFG3000 Series Arbitrary/Function Generators Reference Manual 3-3
Figure 3-1 shows the five command message elements.
Figure 3-1: Command message elements
Commands. Commands cause the instrument to perform a specific function or
change one of its settings. Commands have the structure:
A command header is made up of one or more mnemonics arranged in a hierar-
chical or tree structure. The first mnemonic is the base or root of the tree and each
subsequent mnemonic is a level or branch of the previous one. Commands at a
higher level in the tree may affect those at a lower level. The leading colon (:)
always returns you to the base of the command tree.
Queries. Queries cause the arbitrary/function generator to return information about
its status or settings. Queries have the structure:
You can specify a query command at any level within the command tree unless
otherwise noted. These branch queries return information about all the mnemonics
below the specified branch or level.
Query Responses. When a query is sent to the arbitrary/function generator, only
the values are returned. When the returned value is a mnemonic, it is noted in
abbreviated format, as shown in Table 3-3.
Table 3-3: Query response examples
Query Response
SOURce:PULSe:DCYcle? 50.0