88 AFG3000 Series Quick Start User Manual
Front Panel
CH1 Trigger Output
Level Positive TTL level pulse into 1 kΩ
Impedance 50 Ω
Jitter (rms), typical 500 ps (AFG3011, AFG3021B/AFG3022B)
200 ps (AFG3101/AFG3102)
100 ps (AFG3251/AFG3252)
Trigger Input
Level TTL compatible
Pulse Width 100 ns minimum
Impedance 10 kΩ
Slope Positive/Negative, selectable
Trigger Delay 0.0 ns to 85.000 s
Resolution: 100 ps or 5 digits
Jitter (rms), typical Burst: <500 ps (Trigger input to signal output)
Rear Panel
External Modulation Input
Input Range ±1.0 V full scale (except FSK)
3.3 V logic level (FSK)
Impedance 10 kΩ
Frequency Range AM, FM, PM, FSK, PWM: DC to 25 kHz (122 KS/s)
External Reference Output (AFG3011, AFG3101/AFG3102 and AFG3251/AFG3252)
Impedance 50 Ω, AC coupled
Amplitude 1.2 V
into 50 Ω
External Reference Input
Impedance 1 kΩ, AC coupled
Required Input Voltage Swing 100 mV
to 5 V
Lock Range 10 MHz ±35 kHz
CH1 Additional Input (AFG3101/AFG3102 and AFG3251/AFG3252)
Impedance 50 Ω
Input Range –1 V to +1 V (DC + peak AC)
Bandwidth DC to 10 MHz (–3 dB) at 1 V