DISPlay Subsystem
AM700 Audio Measurement Set Programmer Manual
DISPlay:WINDow98:STATe <Boolean>
Usage: Sets or queries the state of the notifier box display.
Query: DISP:WIND98:STAT? returns 0 or 1 for OFF or ON.
*RST: Turns off the notifier display.
Query: DISP:WIND98:STAT? returns a 1 if there is a notifier being displayed or 0 if
DISPlay:WINDow99:STATe <Boolean>
Usage: Sets or queries the state of the dialog box display.
Query: DISP:WIND99:STAT? returns 0 or 1 for OFF or ON.
*RST: Turns off the dialog box display.
DISPlay:WINDow99:TEXT[:DATA] <string>
Usage: Permits entering text in a dialog box. Writing to a display that has been
previously written overwrites the current entry. If the new string is shorter that
the current string, excess characters are (cleared or remain).
Parameters: Data <string> can be up to eight lines of about 24 characters. Wrapping is
done on the text with spaces, and the text is center justified. Strings should not
be longer than 24 characters without a space as the overflow text will be outside
the display area of the window.
Query: DISP:WIND99:TEXT:DATA? returns the text string or an empty string is
there is no data.