Performance Tests
AWG2005 Service Manual
Vertical CH1 and CH2
Coupling DC
Scale 0.2ĂV/div.
Input Impedance 50ĂΩ
Sweep 500õs/div.
Source CH1
Coupling DC
Slope Positive
Level 0ĂmV
Mode Auto
Output Off
2. Select the master AWG2005 waveform file and set master AWG2005
a. Initialize master AWG2005 controls: Push UTILITY!Misc!ConĆ
fig...!Reset to Factory!O.K.
b. Load waveform file: Load the CNTRL_IN.WFM file only to the master
AWG2005 using the performance check disk. For details on how to
load a file, see the Instruction for Operation in the section 2.
c. Set waveform file:
H Push SETUP!Waveform Sequence, if necessary, to select a
waveform file for CH1. Waveform Sequence toggles between the
CH1 files (upper list) and the CH2 files (lower list).
H Turn the general purpose knob to display the list of waveform
files and highlight the SLAVE.WFM file.
H Push ENTER to select the file.
H Push MODE!Triggered.
H Press the bottom Configure button to select Master.
3. Select the slave AWG2005 waveform file and set slave AWG2005 conĆ
a. Initialize slave AWG2005 controls: Push UTILITY!Misc!ConĆ
fig...!Reset to Factory!O.K.
b. Select waveform file:
H Push SETUP!Waveform Sequence, if necessary, to select a
waveform file for CH1. Waveform Sequence toggles between the
CH1 files (upper list) and the CH2 files (lower list).
H Turn the general purpose knob to highlight the SLAVE.WFM file.
H Push ENTER to select the file.
H Push MODE!Cont.