Install Your Instrument
10 AWG5000 Series Quick Start User Manual
Accessing Online Help
The arbitrary waveform generator provides two types of online help:
■ User online help – In-depth information is available in the online help on all the features of your instrument.
■ Programmer online help – The instrument offers programmer online help about remote commands.
Quick Tips
■ You can select English or Japanese for the user online help. By default, English is selected. To change the language,
use the System menu > Preferences dialog box. See page 69.
■ The programmer online help is displayed only in English.
To access the Help system, select Help from
the menu bar.
1. To access the user online help, select
Help > Help Topic....
2. To use context-sensitive help on the
current setup, select Help > Help on
Window... or press F1.
3. To access Programmer Online Help,
select Help > Help on Remote
4. To access specifications and perfor-
mance verification, select Specifica-
tions... to open the PDF Technical
Reference Manual.
5. Most dialog boxes have a Help button.
For contextual overviews of the dialog
box, click the button to open the help
system with an overview of the dialog
box that is currently displayed.
NOTE. When you first open the Japanese user online help, a pop-up message is displayed to prompt you to install the
Japanese language pack. Click Install to install the language pack.