Performance Verification
AWG510 & AWG520 Service Manual
d. Set the oscilloscope controls as follows:
Push the Default Setup (front).
Vertical......................... CH1andCH2
CH1 coupling . ............... DC
CH1 scale . ................. 500mV/div
CH1 input impedance . ......... 50W
CH2 scale . ................. 2V/div
CH2 input impedance . ......... 1MW
Sweep . .................... 2ms/div
Source . .................... CH1
Coupling .................... DC
Slope ...................... Positive
Level ...................... +100 mV
Mode . ..................... Auto
e. Set the function generator as follows:
Function ........................ Pulse
Mode .......................... Continuous
Frequency .................. 100Hz
Amplitude . .................. 1.0V(2Vinopen circuit)
Offset . .................... (Adjust such as a pulse 4.65 V in
amplitude referenced to ground)
Output . ........................ Off
2. Set the AWG500–Series Waveform Generator and load the waveform file.
a. Push UTILITY (front-panel)!System (bottom)!Factory Reset
(side)!OK (side).
b. Push SETUP (front-panel)!Run Mode (bottom)!Triggered (side).
c. Load the TRIG.WFM file.
Refer to Loading Files on page 4–15 for file loading procedures.
3. Push the RUN and CH1 OUT buttons.
The LEDs above the RUN button and CH1 output connector are on.