Removal and Installation Procedures
AWG510 & AWG520 Service Manual
Access Procedure
Begin with this procedure when you have identified a module to be removed for
service and have read General Instructions found earlier in this section.
1. Locate module to be removed:
a. Find the module to be removed in the module locator diagrams,
Figures 6–2 through 6–4.
b. Once the module is found, note from the title of the figure whether the
module is an external, outer-chassis mounted, or inner-chassis mounted
2. If the module is externally mounted, no internal access is required; remove
the module: Find and do the procedure whose title matches the name of the
module to be removed under Procedures for External Modules (page 6–17).
3. If the module is an outer- or inner-chassis module, access the inside of the
a. First do the procedure Line Fuse and Line Cord; then do the procedure
Cabinet. Both are found under Procedures for External Modules
immediately following this procedure.
b. After completing those procedures, return to this procedure and continue
with step 4.
4. If the module is an outer-chassis module, remove it:
a. If removing the attenuator or display-frame assembly, first do the
procedure Trim Ring, Menu Buttons, and Output Panel, found under
Procedures for External Modules (page 6–17).
b. Find and do the procedure whose title matches the name of the module
to be removed under Procedures for Outer-Chassis Modules, on
page 6–30.