Appendix B: Performance Verification
AWG610 Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
The tests in this section comprise an extensive, valid confirmation of perfor-
mance and functionality when the following requirements are met:
H The cabinet must be installed on the instrument.
H You must have performed and passed the procedures under Self Tests, found
on page B–3.
H The waveform generator must have been recently adjusted at an ambient
temperature between +20_ C and +30_ C, must have been operating for a
warm-up period of at least 20 minutes, and must be operating at an ambient
temperature between +10_ C and +40_ C.
Refer to Conventions on page B–1 for more information.
These procedures use external, traceable signal sources to directly check
warranted characteristics. Table B–2 lists the required equipment used to
complete the performance tests.
Table B-2: Test equipments
Item number and
Minimum requirements Example (recommended) Purpose
1. Frequency Counter 1 MHz to 100 MHz,
Accuracy: t 0.2 ppm
Anritsu MF1603A Used to check reference input
2. Digital multi meter DC volts range: 0.05 V to 10 V,
Accuracy: "0.1 %
Fluke 8842A Used to check to measure
3. Oscilloscope
Bandwidth: u 500 MHz, 1 MW and
50 W inputs
Tektronix TDS784D Checks output signals. Used
in many procedures.
4. Oscilloscope
Bandwidth: u 6 GHz,
Rise time: t 58.3 ps, 50 W input
Tektronix TDS820 Checks direct DA rise time.
5. Spectrum Analyzer 1 kHz to 1 GHz Tektronix 497P or
Advantest R4131
Checks output signals.
6. Function Generator Output voltage: -5 V to +5 V,
Frequency accuracy: t 0.01 %
Tektronix AFG310 Generates external input
signals. Used in many input
signal test procedures.
7. SMA Coaxial Cable
(2 required)
50 W, male to male SMA connectors Tektronix part number
Signal interconnection
8. BNC Coaxial Cable
(2 required)
50 W, male to male BNC connectors Tektronix part number
Signal interconnection
9. Adapter
(2 required)
SMA (male) to BNC (female), 50 W Tektronix part number
Signal interconnection
10. Adapter SMA (female) to BNC (male), 50 W Tektronix part number
Signal interconnection
11. Adapter BNC (female) to N (male) Tektronix part number
Signal interconnection
Equipment Required