CFG280 User Manual
Getting Started
The Tektronix CFG280 Function Generator produces low distortion
sine waves, square waves, triangle waves, TTL sync signals, positive
and negative pulses, and ramp waveforms in a frequency range of
0.1 Hz to 11 MHz. You can also directly control amplitude and
DC offset.
The sweep function makes the output signal traverse a range of
frequencies. The START and STOP FREQ control settings determine
the sweep rate and sweep width internally or the sweep function can
be input from an external DC signal.
A voltage-controlled frequency (VCF) input controls the output
frequency from an external voltage source. The output frequency can
be swept above or below the selected frequency to a maximum of
100:1, depending on the polarity and amplitude of the VCF input and
the selected output frequency. Provisions are also made for amplitude
modulation of the sine wave output from an external source.
An external gate input allows the generator to operate for the
duration of an externally applied gating signal. This mode provides
either a single cycle output or a train of preselected waveforms,
depending on the gating signal width and the function generator
frequency setting.
The CFG280 Function Generator has a frequency counter to count
the signal frequency of sine, square and triangle waves from 1 Hz to
100 MHz. The frequency counter features one five-digit display with
automatic decimal point placement and LED indicators that show the
display measurement unit and mode. It can measure periods in
seconds or frequencies in kHz or MHz. The front panel controls also
provide selectable gate times (resolution) and selectable X10
The CFG280 has a locking, multiposition handle that folds under the
instrument. The instrument comes with a power cord, an installed
fuse for 115V operation, and this manual.