Appendix F: Example Disk Contents
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
The BER_STS1 file is a 15-minute BER test. The test passes if the
BER is better than 10E–7. To run the test, connect an electrical cable
between the TRANSMIT and RECEIVE connectors on the front
panel and then recall the test from the RECALL PASS/FAIL TESTS
page of the TEST SETUPS menu. You can see how the test was set
up by viewing the test parameters on the SAVE PASS/FAIL TESTS
page of the TEST SETUPS menu after you recall the test.
Appendix F: Example Disk Contents
CTS 710 SONET Test Set User Manual
The BER_STS1 file is a 15-minute BER test. The test passes if the
BER is better than 10E–7. To run the test, connect an electrical cable
between the TRANSMIT and RECEIVE connectors on the front
panel and then recall the test from the RECALL PASS/FAIL TESTS
page of the TEST SETUPS menu. You can see how the test was set
up by viewing the test parameters on the SAVE PASS/FAIL TESTS
page of the TEST SETUPS menu after you recall the test.