Getting Started
1. The J17 performs a brief selfĆtest. During the selfĆ
test,the J17 activates all elements of the display,
checks the battery voltage, and performs the
autoĆzero and autoĆrange functions.
If no sensor head is connected to the J17, the
J17 will not proceed past the selfĆtest display.
Low battery voltage is indicated by a flashing
BAT indicator. If this icon appears, replace the
battery with a fresh one before taking any
2. The J17 will display the default measurement units
for the type of sensor head attached. If measureĆ
ments are continuously updated, as with the J1803
Luminance Head, the J17 begins displaying meaĆ
surement readings automatically. With the J1820
Chromaticity Head, the J17 will complete one
measurement cycle and stop. (Pressing the START
button initiates a new measurement cycle.)
Getting Started
1. The J17 performs a brief selfĆtest. During the selfĆ
test,the J17 activates all elements of the display,
checks the battery voltage, and performs the
autoĆzero and autoĆrange functions.
If no sensor head is connected to the J17, the
J17 will not proceed past the selfĆtest display.
Low battery voltage is indicated by a flashing
BAT indicator. If this icon appears, replace the
battery with a fresh one before taking any
2. The J17 will display the default measurement units
for the type of sensor head attached. If measureĆ
ments are continuously updated, as with the J1803
Luminance Head, the J17 begins displaying meaĆ
surement readings automatically. With the J1820
Chromaticity Head, the J17 will complete one
measurement cycle and stop. (Pressing the START
button initiates a new measurement cycle.)