Appendix A: Specifications
P7240 4 GHz 5X Active Probe User Manual
Table 5: Physical Characteristics
Unit weight (probe only) 223 g (7.52 oz)
Cable Length 1.3 meters (50 in)
Table 6: Environmental characteristics
Operating Temperature
0 °Cto+40°C (+ 32 to + 104 _F)
The environmental exposure is the procedure stated
in Tektronix Design Standard 062-2847-00 for Class 5
Nonoperating Temperature -- 5 5 °Cto+75°C (--67 to + 167 °F)
The environmental exposure is the procedure stated
in Tektronix Design Standard 062-2847-00 for Class 5
0 to 90% RH at +30 °Cto+40°C(+86to+104_F)
The environmental exposure is as stated in Tektronix
Design Standard 062-2847-00 for Class 5 equipment.
Packaged Product Vibration and
The packaged product qualifies under the Distribution
Cycle 1 Assurance Level II for packaged products 0 to
20 lbs. Test 2 for Warehouse and Vehicle Stacking
(Compression) is omitted.
Tektronix standard 062-2858-00, Rev. B, Class 5.
Altitude Operating: 15,000 ft.
Nonoperating: 50,000 ft.