Caring for Your Printer
Phaser 300X Color Printer
Using isopropyl alcohol
You must supply isopropyl alcohol (available at pharmacies) because
shipping regulations prohibit supplying alcohol or presoaked cleaning
materials with the printer.
In general, it is best to use the purest isopropyl alcohol (99%) available to
you. Alcohol that is 90% pure also works well. You can use 70% pure
isopropyl alcohol, but if you do, you must wait much longer after cleaning to
ensure that it is completely dry. For example, 99% isopropyl alcohol might
dry in as quickly as one minute; 70% isopropyl alcohol can take as long as
15 minutes.
Do not use rubbing alcohol because it can contain oils that
leave undesirable residue on the printer parts.
Wherever the cleaning instructions refer to a lint-free cloth moistened with
isopropyl alcohol (
), you can substitute a pre-soaked alcohol cloth (
). The
reorder cleaning kit (order number 016-1144-00) includes these pre-soaked
alcohol cloths. You can also order these packets separately in packs of 10
(order number 006-7824-00).