Printing: Beyond the Basics
Phaser 350 Color Printer
Using Image Smoothing
Image Smoothing blends the adjacent colors in an image so that color
transitions are less noticeable. Image smoothing is typically used when the
image being printed is at a lower resolution than the printer’s output
resolution. For example, printing an image downloaded from the
World-Wide Web at 72 dpi using the printer’s Standard print-quality mode
(300 dpi). Images printed using Image Smoothing will appear with less
sharp detail but with smoother color transitions. Image Smoothing is not
recommended for printing 300-dpi or 600-dpi images.
There are two ways of selecting Image Smoothing:
■ In a supported printer driver, check the Image Smoothing box on.
■ Download a PostScript utility file to the printer to turn on Image
Smoothing. Use the following utility files for your computer type:
Refer to the on-line manual on the printer’s CD-ROM for
instructions on downloading utility files.
Macintosh file name PC file name
Image Smoothing On
Image Smoothing Off