Printable Area
The maximum image area is 320 x 457 mm (12.6 x 18 in.); the
guaranteed print quality area is 297 x 432 mm (11.7 x 17 in.).
On Tabloid Plus paper, the bottom margin is 25 mm (1 in.). If
you are printing a full-bleed image, run a test print to check
the margins and print area.
5 mm (0.2 in.)
5 mm
(0.2 in.)
Print Area
Printing Custom Media
■ The minimum custom page size is 100 x 140 mm (3.9 x 5.5 in.).
■ The maximum* custom page size is 330 x 457 mm (13 x 18 in.).
1 Set up a custom page size for the document within your application.
2 Load custom-sized media in the multi-purpose tray only. Insert the short
edge into the printer.
3 Adjust the paper guide to fit the media.
4 At the printer’s front panel:
a The front panel displays Multi-Purpose Tray Media Size
and the current default. Press Select to continue (you select the
document dimensions in your application).
b At the Multi-Purpose Tray Media Type prompt, press
until the correct type is displayed. Press Select.
5 From your application, select Output Order: Face Up. If this selection is not
available, press and the Menu/Select buttons at the printer to make
the setting through the following menu path: Printer Menu: Printer
Defaults: Output Order: Face Up.
6 From your application’s Print menu, select Multi-Purpose Tray. Click Print.
Depending on the application, you may need to rotate or adjust
the orientation of the document to print correctly.
* Dimensions may be smaller, depending on your printer configuration.