TDS3000 Series Service Manual
Removal and Installation Procedures
This section describes how to remove and install the major mechanical and
electrical modules. It provides the following information:
List of Modules on page 6–5 describes where to locate a list of replaceable
Summary of Procedures on page 6–6 lists the procedures for removal and
installation of modules.
Tools Required on page 6–7 describes the tools needed to perform the
Handle, on page 6–7, begins a series of procedures that describe the
removal and installation of modules.
Please read the following warning statement. Then read the following general
instructions before removing a module.
WARNING. Only qualified personnel should perform service procedures. Before
doing this or any other procedure in this manual, read the General Safety
Summary and Service Safety Summary located at the beginning of this manual.
Also, to prevent possible injury to service personnel or damage to electrical
components, read Preventing ESD on page ix.
1. Read the Summary of Procedures on page 6–6 to understand which
procedure to use to access a given module. Then read Tools Required on
page 6–7 for a list of tools needed to remove and install modules in the
2. If you are disassembling the oscilloscope for cleaning, refer to the Inspection
and Cleaning procedure on page 6–2 for cleaning instructions.
3. Remove the optional battery pack and/or communication module before
disassembling the oscilloscope.
The Mechanical Parts List chapter provides a list of all replaceable modules.
Any electrical or mechanical module, assembly, or part listed in the parts list is
referred to as a module.
List of Modules