TDS5000B Series Specifications and Performance Verification
Table 1-5: Display specifications
Characteristic Description
Display type 264 mm (10.4 in) diagonal, liquid crystal active-matrix
color display
Width: 211.2 mm (8.3 in)
Length:: 158.4 mm (6.2 in)
Display resolut ion 640 horizontal × 480 verti c al pixels
Pixel pitch 0.33 mm horizontal, 0.33 mm vertical
Contrast ratio, typical 150:1
Response time, t ypical 50 ms, black to white
Display refresh rate 59.94 frames per second
Displayed intensity levels Supports Windows SVGA high-color mode
(16-bit or 24-bit)
Table 1-6: Input/output port specifications
Characteristic Description
n Probe Compensator Output Front-panel terminals
Output voltage Frequency
1.0 V (from base to top)
±1.0% i nto a ≥ 10 kΩ load
1 kHz ±5%
n Analog Signal Output Rear-panel BNC connector, provides a buffered version of
the signal that is attached to the channel 3 signal input
50 mV/div ±20%intoa1MΩ load
25 mV/div ±20% into a 50 Ω load
Bandwidth, typical 100 MHz into a 50 Ω load
n Auxiliary Output levels Rear-panel BNC connector, provides a TTL-compatible,
negative-pol arity pulse for each A or B trigger (selectable)
high V
low (true)
≥2.5 V into open circuit,
≥1.0 V into 50 Ω load
≤0.7 V with ≤4mAsink,
≤0.25 V into 50 Ω load
Auxiliary Output pulse width, typical Pulse width varies, 1 s minimum
External Reference Input Rear-panel BNC connector
9.8 MHz to 10.2 MHz
200 mV
<1.5 kΩ i n series with ~10 nF DC blocking capacitor
Side-panel I/O ports Ports located on the side panel