Performance Tests
Performance Verification Procedures
Press TRIGGER MENU; then press the main-menu button Mode
& Holdoff. Now press the side-menu button Normal.
Press SET LEVEL TO 50%.
Press horizontal MENU. Press the main-menu button Record
Length; then press the side-menu button 1000 points in
20 divs.
Press the main-menu button Trigger Position. Press the side-
menu button Pretrigger; then set pretrigger to 20%: press 20,
then ENTER, on the keypad.
Confirm Main and Delayed time bases are within limits for accuracies:
Display the test signal:
Adjust the horizontal POSITION so the trigger T is aligned to the
center vertical graticule line.
Press the main-menu button Time Base.
Press the side-menu buttons Delayed Only and Delayed Runs
After Main.
Measure the test signal
Set the horizontal SCALE of the D (delayed) time base to 100 ns.
Use the keypad to set delayed time to 10 ms. (Press 10, then
SHIFT, then m followed by ENTER.)
First, the trigger T is aligned
to the center graticule line.
Second, the horizontal
modes are set.
Third, the horizontal scale for
D time base is set and a
10 ms delay is entered.
Fourth, the waveforms rising edge is
checked to be within
divisions of the center horizontal
graticule line.
Figure 1-13: Measurement of Accuracy — Long-Term and Delay-Time