Nominal Traits
TableĂ1Ć11:ăNominal Traits Ċ Time Base System
Range, SampleĆRate
TDS 310: 10 Samples/s to 200 MSamples/s in a 1-2-5 sequence
TDS 320: 10 Samples/s to 500 MSamples/s in a 1-2-5 sequence
TDS 350: 10 Samples/s to 1 GSamples/s in a 1-2-5 sequence
Range, Seconds/Division TDS 310: 10 ns/div to 5 s/div in a 1-2.5-5 sequence
TDS 320: 5 ns/div to 5 s/div in a 1-2.5-5 sequence
TDS 350: 2.5 ns/div to 5 s/div in a 1-2.5-5 sequence
Range, Time Base Delay Time 16.5 ns to 50 seconds
Record Length 1,000 samples
The range of realĆtime rates, expressed in samples/second, at which a digitizer samples signals at its inputs and stores the samples
in memory to produce a record of timeĆsequential samples
The Waveform Rate (WR) is the equivalent sample rate of a waveform record. For a waveform record acquired by realĆtime sampling
of a single acquisition, the waveform rate is the same as the realĆtime sample rate; for a waveform created by interpolation of realĆtime
samples from a single acquisition or by equivalentĆtime sampling of multiple acquisitions, the waveform rate is faster than the real
time sample rate. For all three cases, the waveform rate is 1/(Waveform Interval) for the waveform record, where the waveform interval
(WI) is the time between the samples in the waveform record.
TableĂ1Ć12:ăNominal Traits Ċ Triggering System
Range, Hold Off 500 ns minimum to 10 seconds maximum
Ranges, Trigger Level Source
Any Channel
External /10
±12 divisions from center of screen
±1.5 Volts
±15 Volts
±300 Volts
Formats and Field Rates, Video Trigger Triggers from syncĆnegative composite video, 525 to 625 lines,
50 Hz to 60 Hz, interlaced or noninterlaced systems with scan rates
from 15 kHz to 65 kHz - such as NTSC, PAL, or SECAM
TekProbe Interface, External Trigger Level one probe coding